Project Description

In this project, you will learn to synthesize targeted microbubbles. You will learn to synthesize the microbubbles, make a narrow size distribution with centrifugation, and then do chemical conjugation of a peptide targeting ligand to the microbubble surface. You will learn how to observe the microbubbles under the miscroscope, how to measure the microbubble size and concentration, and how to measure the chemical conjugation. You will then learn how to make microvessel tubes, how to conjugated receptor molecules to the tubes, and how to setup the tubes on a microscope stage. You will then learn how to setup an ultrasound transducer to stimulate and image the microbubbles. This will require you to learn how to setup the proper pulse sequences in the ultrasound software. Finally, you will do image processing and image analysis to measure microbubble binding.

Mark Borden

Special Requirements

Students should have completed chemistry (e.g., CHEN 1203), chemistry lab (e.g., CHEM 1221), CAD/FAB (e.g., BMEN 1025), and computing (e.g., CHEN 1310).
