Published: Dec. 4, 2017

Writing and Rhetoric

Intro by Jeff Cox

  • Intro on teaching and research visioning
  • Laying out of fall work
  • Role of Committee and Report

Intro to A&S Strategic Planning Process by David Brown

  • History of A&S process
  • Work of committee to date—draft vision statement
  • Schedule for committee’s work

Q:  What is the plan for analyzing the data collected in the process?

A:  Once the data has been input, we will spend the first month or so organizing the data and finding the emerging themes.  Then, in the spring, we will provide a preview of the themes to the campus before completing the report next fall.

Q:  We have heard talk about a campus-wide core curriculum.  Where are we on that?

A:  It has come up as a common theme.  A&S has established a common core for A&S, and most of the other schools adopt at least a subset of that core.  There are many models and ideas about what a common core should look like, but we may actually not be far off from having a common core.

Comment:  This process seems similar to RPAC.  The RPAC reviews have had a strong response.  Data from that process should filter into the A&S and AF processes.

Q:  How are the A&S and AF processes feeding each other?

A: Jeff and David are in constant contact, allowing A&S ideas to filter up to the campus level.  Both websites are updated regularly, providing additional transparency. And, although the committees have different goals, they will be introduced to each other to share ideas.

 From the A&S perspective, having both processes going at the same time has lifted constraints from A&S as ideas can be lifted to the campus level.

Q:  What are the biggest challenges moving forward?

A: For A&S, it will be the implementation phase – making sure the strategic plan can filter down to the levels where changes can occur.  We will be focusing on defining the plan, creating metrics, and tracking progress in creating the changes outlined by the strategic plan.

For AF, this is a 3-yr project. The biggest challenge will be getting people engaged and moving past the cultural cynicism shaped by past initiatives that never came to fruition.  We truly believe this process will have an impact on the campus.

Q:  How are you getting student input?

A: We have student representatives on the committee, but it’s clearly not enough.  We have attended some leadership classes, and we will be having conversations with student government on how to engage students.  We are also looking at using social media.

Comment:  We should engage with recent alumni and students who are about to graduate to get student input.

Comment:  We have a technical common design course where a consulting design/report is part of the course.  Resources in that program can help facilitate the process of getting data from students.

Comment:  We should tap into the RA population on campus to get student input – they are close to what is going on with the students and can do training.

Q: Have there been conversations around differential tuition and the challenges with interdisciplinary initiatives?  Those two things seem to be at odds with each other.

A:  There have been discussions, as interdisciplinary work has been a themed topic.  First, we need to figure out what we want to do, then work on the “how to pay for it” during the next phase.

Comment:  We need to come up with a plan for the consequences for students that may occur because of the GOP tax plan – if / when it becomes effective.